Discovering “But God” Moments

Discovering “But God” Moments

(scroll to the bottom to watch this teaching) There are moments in life when we find our backs against a wall and don’t know which way to turn. The challenges we face seem overwhelming, and hope begins to fade. In these moments, we must surrender to God and allow Him...
Power Evangelism

Power Evangelism

(watch this message by scrolling to the bottom and clicking play) What kinds of things come to mind when you hear the word evangelism? Knocking on the doors of strangers to share the good news? Handing out tracts or pamphlets to try convincing people to follow Jesus?...
The Making of an Intercessor

The Making of an Intercessor

(Scroll to the bottom to view this message) Many are familiar with prayer in general but did you know there are different types? There are types of prayer outlined in the Bible that are used in specific situations to achieve a particular purpose. Before we dive into...
How to Get Perspective and Power

How to Get Perspective and Power

(Please scroll to the bottom to watch this powerful message on perspective and power.) We all need the right perspective in order to thrive, not just survive. You see, we all face challenges daily. From family struggles to issues with a co-worker to sorting through...
Why Get Water Baptized?

Why Get Water Baptized?

(watch this message by scrolling to the bottom) Water baptism is not a hot preaching topic these days. Even though this powerful public act of commitment is highlighted throughout the New Testament in the Bible, it seems to have taken a back seat to other topics.  ...
The Power of Repentance

The Power of Repentance

(scroll to the bottom to watch the entire message)  Repentance can be a heavy topic. It can stir up many emotions and reactions, largely leaning on the negative side. Despite its reputation, I invite you to reconsider what repentance is. It’s actually a beautiful word...