The Fire of God

The Fire of God

Are you tired of feeling stuck? Has complacency gotten the best of you? Are you ready to have your heart set on fire for the Lord? The American church, as you may have noticed, is running low on passion. It may be difficult or even embarrassing to admit, but maybe you...
Do You Need To Be Renewed?

Do You Need To Be Renewed?

Do you feel exhausted? Is your heart heavy? Are you weary from the battle? If you find yourself in this place, don’t lose hope, God has a plan. He wants to renew you and breathe life into your spirit, soul and body. I invite you to pray with me before you continue...
The Kindness Factor

The Kindness Factor

(this teaching can also be watched by scrolling to the bottom and clicking play) There seems to be a shortage of kindness these days. When looking out for ourselves is the primary basis for every decision made, it’s hard to care for and be kind to others. In this...
What Would Jesus Say to Defend You?

What Would Jesus Say to Defend You?

(this teaching can also be watched by scrolling to the bottom and clicking play) If you had to stand before God and ask Him if heaven could be the place where you live eternally, and God says, “Why should I let you in?” What will be your defense? May I suggest to you,...
The Fire of God

The Fire of God – TEST

Are you tired of feeling stuck? Has complacency gotten the best of you? Are you ready to have your heart set on fire for the Lord? The American church, as you may have noticed, is running low on passion. It may be difficult or even embarrassing to admit, but maybe you...